[nycphp-talk] PHP Training

Daniel Kushner nyphp at
Fri Nov 8 11:22:43 EST 2002

(Please excuse me if this message gets posted 3-4 times. There where
some RR mail server problems)

Hi PHPers,

It is very exciting to see such an interest in a PHP course. I have
decided to re-open my PHP training session and am aiming for the end of
November. This course, is perfect for beginners and for those who have
been using PHP but without getting a good and solid programming
background. The slides (which will definitely be updated for the next
course) can be found at:

The course is designed for 16 hours (4 sessions @ 4 hours/session) . The
last few were 2 full days and that seemed to be fine.

I suggest that the course be either Thursday-Friday, Saturday-Sunday,
Friday-Friday or Saturday-Saturday. The classroom is in a professional
facility in midtown Manhattan (i.e.: every student has his/her own
computer and their hard drives are saved between days).

The price for this course is $780.

For those that are interesting, please send an email to
training at with your preferred days and we'll see what can be

You are advised to ask NYPHP members that took the course for their
opinion, and I am sure (if they are still around) that they'll be happy
to respond to the group.

Best regards,
Daniel Kushner 

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