[nycphp-talk] PHP Project Groups

Hans Zaunere hans at
Tue Nov 19 09:56:12 EST 2002


--- "Donald J. Organ IV" <dorgan at> wrote:
> What type of projects are we talking about?  I would like to get involved
> in something that interests me.

Well I'm assuming you'd be most interested in pure PHP coding (which is a
shame, because there's a couple web pages, large forms, and a Word document
to work on - any takers? :)

It pretty much falls into this:

-- The NYPHP mailing list is written inhouse and is composed entirely of a
CLI PHP script.  While it's worked fairly well, there has been problems with
it and it needs a revision, plus new features, including:
   -- Vast performance improvements (50% complete - know sendmail/qmail?)
   -- MIME parsing and attachment processing
      (95% complete, but testing need)
   -- Foolproof threading, regardless of email client, user, etc.
      (75% complete)
   -- Additional bells-and-whistles, including tip and URL scraping and
      compilation, building a "FAQ-ON-DEMAND" of sorts.
      (5% complete, if that)
   -- Full integration of all this with a web based forum.
      (not very difficult, but the above 3 need to be in production first)

The user authentication/authorization for all this is already written as a
RPC, and would just need be properly hooked into the above.

-- Redesign of, from a layout/aesthetic standpoint.
   (25% complete)
-- Then, improved CMS system, to allow maintenance of articles, news, etc.
   (10%-15% complete)
(Yeah, I know the Nukes do some of this, but it wouldn't be worth dropping
boilerplate software into such a dynamic/different environment, unless you
know a Nuke so well as to make a nice hack).

If you, and/or others, find something interesting, please let me know.  I
might be leaving something out, but the above is the main development push
for, and any other recommendations/projets are welcome, as we have
the system resources to support them (just not the time to write them).


Hans Zaunere
New York PHP
hans at

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