[nycphp-talk] IMAP function imap_rfc822_parse_headers

Jean B Flamand jean at
Wed Nov 20 21:22:40 EST 2002

Thanks a lot Hans, 

Now I manage to use this function , you need to replace all \
 by \\r\

before sending the string to the function, but now it appears that there
are some limitation to this function... 
With php 2.2.3 the number of address in the field "to" is forced to a
max of 140... If nore than 140 the function crashes badly... 
But it works fine wit php 2.2.2 !!! 
Gotta go in the C code of 2.2.3 to clear this up :( ...
If anybody know why this is so bad let me know please ....


-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Zaunere [mailto:hans at] 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 2:17 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] IMAP function imap_rfc822_parse_headers

--- Jean B Flamand <jean at> wrote:
> Hi all
> imap_rfc822_parse_headers 
> <>
> (StringHeader) return an Object with all properties of the header.
> My Probem : I m trying to parse a normal mail header with this 
> function. It normally returns an object , but in my case this object 
> is empty, i tried on several headers the problem keeps repeating ! Do 
> you know if there s any "pre" parsing to do on the string or if you 
> had any problem with this function can you tell me what happened to 
> you

I haven't used this function myself, but consider a couple things:

-- what kind of line termination are you using?  I think these functions
may have had some issues with \\r\
 vs \
 vs \

-- Try a *very* simple header, ie:
$test_header = "From: blah at\\r\
To:to at\\r\

-- do other functions from this extension work?  Check that they're
configured properly, and it can find the c-client libs.


> ?
> Thanks for your help.
> JB

Hans Zaunere
New York PHP
hans at

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