[nycphp-talk] New project

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Nov 22 11:56:29 EST 2002

--- Jonathan Rury <ruryj at> wrote:
> > Similar? I'd say so! :)  Out of curiosity, what features don't you find
> > in PHP that is cause for another language?  Or is this just a project for
> > fun?
> >
> Fearful of backlash on a PHP mailing list, I couldn't possibly note any
> limitations I'm finding with PHP. ;-)

Bah... being able to understand the weaknesses is a strength.  There's things
I don't like about PHP, but I'm going to write my own language.  But it is a
fairly complete language, and so I'm curious what you'd like to add, as I'm
sure it wouldn't be trivial.

> But honestly, this is just a little project I'm thinking about for my own
> personal amusement.


> PHP will always be near and dear to my heart.
> > Yes and no.  PHP's strength often comes as a module of Apache, which is
> > different than a CGI.
> Yes, I'm looking to create a module.
> > I think you probably want to know about writing an Apache module.  There
> > is an O'Reilly book on the subject, although probably dated; certainly
> > since Apache 2.  The book, however, gives a good overview of the Apache
> > request stages, etc and architecture.  There's also apache_hooks, which
> > is a PHP SAPI, although looking at the code would give an excellent idea
> > on interacting with Apache at a lower level.
> Just ordered the O'Reilly book today! I found it on for $3.10
> through one of their third-party sellers!

Damn, I bought it years back for $50.

> As for the book being dated, we'll
> have to see. Since this isn't a project that's about creating something for
> enterprise use,

There's that word again...

> I won't mind using an Apache < 2.0. [I'm still using 1.3 as my webserver
> anyway.]

Most production (enterprise?) environments still use 1.3.x.  However, A2 is
stable (I'm running A2/PHP4/MySQL4 and although a little flakey on FreeBSD,
fine on Linux).  And, A2 has *a lot* more flexibilty in it's API and
architecture than A1, so while it may be good to get some background with A1,
I'd certainly strive for writing for A2.


Hans Zaunere
New York PHP
hans at

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