[nycphp-talk] install php 4.2.2 with mysql & apache

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Wed Oct 9 15:38:08 EDT 2002

--- "P. Fawcett" <fawcett at> wrote:
> hope i don't sound as confused as i am.  not all questions may be
> answerable here, but to set the scene:

Sorry, you sound pretty confused  :)  Maybe I can point you in the
right direction.

> i've tried to configure (on redhat 7.2) apache 1.3.26 w/ php4.2.2 &
> mysql 3.23.51 source tar or .52rpm - whatever i can get to work.

It's important to pick either RPM or src and then stick with it.  If
this is new for you, try RPM.  My RPM is a little rusty, but maybe
something like this would help:

rpm -q apache
rpm -q php
rpm -q mysql

These will query to see what RPM packages are installed, which should
give you a base to work from.  If all three are installed (and you're
not worried about being up to date) you can probably startup apache
with something like apachectl start and mysql with something like
/etc/init.d/mysql.server start

Search and, as they have some
good tutorials for this type of thing.

Also useful might be:

> 1)  if i have php, mysql & perl installed on the sys, do i have to
> include them in the other configs. ie configuring php --with-mysql?

Yes - this enables MySQL within PHP

> in configuring apache --with-perl.

No, this has nothing to do with compiling with mod_perl support.  Don't
use --with-perl.

> or are these built in lighter versions?

Nothing to do with lighter versions.

> am i right mod's, ie mod_php is just a lighter version of php & not
necessary if i have php 4.2.2 installed?

If you've installed the RPMs, you don't need to do anything further,
except start the daemons.

>  or does that mod_php tie apache to php?

mod_php is php that is loadable into Apache.

Now we're getting into source compiliation, which is something
different.  I would recommend sticking with RPM, but maybe can give you some pointers on

> i...
> apache:
> configure --enable-module-so
> mysql:
> configure --enable-assembler --with-innodb
> php:
> (i'm thinking i don't need
> --activate-module=src/module/php4/libphp4.a
> if not using php_mod, but rather the full php)

Unless you plan on using PHP as a CGI, you'll need that.

> configure 	--with-apxs
> 		--with-ldap
> 		--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql 
> 	php worked if i source compiled mysql 3.23.51 which created
> /usr/local/mysql dir.

Good enough.

> but mysql would fail after config on: mysqladmin -u root -password
> "new-passwd" 

You'll probably need to do something like:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &   first

> err: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost'failed error: 'can't
> connect to local mysql server thru socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'(2). 
> check that mysqld is running & that socket exists.  well it wasn't &
> it didn't
> so i reconfig mysql with simplier 3.23.52 rpm, which would run thru
> the config ok, create the socket, start the daemon, but would
> populates files all over the sys and not create /usr/local/mysql dir,

Ahh, the joy of package systems.

> so without php config --with-mysql (no path) php would fail syntax in
> the hpptd.conf:  
> LoadModule php4_module libexec/ - "cannot load
> /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into".

And here we have it - a crossed RPM/compiled environment.  Pick one,
and run with it :)

> 2)  do i just eliminate in php config --with-mysql all together? &
> then how do the mysql php interact?

No.. --with-mysql is important (or --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql)

And when in doubt, remember to run ldconfig once in a while  :)



Hans Zaunere
New York PHP
hans at

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