[nycphp-talk] Scaling LAMP Architecture

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Fri Oct 11 12:26:39 EDT 2002

Hi Anirudh,

--- Anirudh Zala <zala007 at> wrote:
> In SDDS, Data and Files are kept on several machines rather than same
> server or 2 servers (i mean many companies use db server and
> scripting/file server  as separate to get better output and faster
> execution). This tech is also  known as Client-Agent-Server tech.
> here u can say there is 1 main server where all data is kept and at
> second level there comes Agents machines/servers interacts btwn main
> server and client. All client servers has replica of  main servers DB
> but in diff parts not as whole db so like 4 servers with 25% and
> almost all clients queries are first directed to this Agents only and
> replied/executed by these 4 servers and if needed they are redirected
> to main server and finally records btwn main server and agent servers
> are updated.
> This is similar like concept of cache servers in Oracle and Java but
> this is bit new and different. The main diff is all Agent servers
> acts like as they are main servers so at client end u never know
> where your request is being redirected or which server your data is
> coming from?

This is a very effective way to handle large quantities of traffic, and
is needed with any DB/language/server/OS.  While Oracle supports a lot
of this as a shrink-wrapped package, there are limitations, and of
course price.  I've seen very effective implementations using
replication/MySQL/round-robin, and with a cost of only the hardware.  I
think most sites would be hard-pressed to saturate even two Pentium-4
MySQL servers with proper DB design. And scalability? Buy another
server and add an A record to your DNS.

> This is like a concept of having chain store where u have McDonald's
> fast food available at New York, Syracuse and Seattle rather than all
> have to go to New York only whether u live in Syracuse or Seattle. I
> hope u all r getting what I mean.

But there's nothing like a NY Big Mac  :)

> So main point is whatever tech (Db, Scripting lang, Servers OS u use)
> your software must have Strong RDBMS, Proper coding style, Robust
> architecture maybe using SDDS tech. an other normal stuffs.
> These concept can give u satisfactory solutions, otherwise there is
> no such tech. in this world which can give u all at once without
> having Distributed Database and/or multiprocessing. Also PHP guys
> will say PHP is best, ASP will say ASP is the best bcoz it has these
> facilities, same with DB and OS,

> ok ok we need to think in diff
> direction and develop something new using existing tech :) not just
> adhering to existing tools. 

Couldn't agree more,


Hans Zaunere
New York PHP
hans at

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