[nycphp-talk] Paging through large result sets

Kenneth Dombrowski kenneth at
Mon Sep 2 22:09:46 EDT 2002

On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 01:29:21PM -0400, Joseph Annino wrote:
> So I was thinking as a way of extending your idea of passing keys through a
> URL redirect, I'll put the IDs from my result set into a session variable.
> This poses two problems. First users need to get a cookie (or I need to go
> through hoops) to store the session id.  Second, users may want to open
> multiple windows with multiple searches, so there needs to be a way of
> associating more than one search with a session.
> I'm thinking a way to kill two birds with one stone is to create a unique
> 'search session id' and place it in hidden fields and urls of the pages that
> are part of browsing a particular result.  A new ID is created whenever the
> user hits the search button.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been a little behind on my list reading.

I'm using my recent unemployment to study LAMP technologies myself,
coming from a largely ASP background (& am still working on setting up a 
fully functional server, so haven't much PHP experience yet)

I wonder why not take the hidden field idea a step further and just put
the result set IDs directly into it & let the page take care of itself? 

It sounds like you're not using sessions for anything else as yet.

$ .02


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