NYPHP Presents to NYLUG

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Mon Sep 9 09:58:38 EDT 2002

Good morning again,

NYPHP will be giving an introductory meeting to NYLUG
( at their monthly meeting (9/18).

I am working on an outline for the presentation, but I would like some
help filling in the gaps.  This means:

-- I do not have a laptop.  Does anyone have a laptop available?
(Win2K/Linux/whatever, but network connectivity will be important).

-- Like I say, I will have a presentation outline and some slides
(probably webpages, actually) later this week.  However, I would like
some assistance in giving the presentation, preferably someone with
more "presenting" skills than I, and anyone that would like to help
with content creation is more than welcome as well!

-- Anyone that would like to meet to prepare for the presentation, or
at the meeting itself (I will get there @ 6:00pm on 9/18 at IBM in
midtown - details at

-- At the very least, show up at the NYLUG meeting!

Please contact me offlist (zaunere at with any followup.

Thank you,

Hans Z.

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