[nycphp-talk] GD imageCreate

Mark Jia markjia at
Mon Sep 9 17:44:02 EDT 2002

some languages like Chinese have different character sets,  people who want to view it have to download some langauge support softwares, but I just heared if program can create those characters to be an image on the fly, then it will skip the download, it is very convenient. but I don't know how to do, maybe this is also related to this question. Does anyone have some ideas on it? thanks!
 Kayra Otaner wrote:Hi,

I'm also using gd library to createa on the fly images for my free counter site. I've observed
that using fonts (any) is consuming huge amount of cpu and memory. Try to not to use different
font files and or try to reduce character count in word or sentences.
Also you may create a bacground image and try to load it instead of creating it also on the fly.


Kayra Otaner

--- Tim Sailer wrote:
> Is anyone using the imageCreate function to create on the fly
> graphics? I'm playing with my new toy, a weather station, and
> it's logging to a MySQL database. I'm taking the info, and creating
> a graphic button, which, when clicked, will go to graphs, etc.
> The problem is the load of the server when creating the graphic. I've run
> some stress tests, and the results are *not* pretty. Is there any way to 
> cache the image for a period of time?
> Tim
> PS: has the graphic at the top
> -- 
> Tim Sailer 
> Application Services
> Information Technology Division
> Brookhaven National Laboratory (631) 344-3001

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