[nycphp-talk] PHP and Oracle 8i

Chalu Kim chalu at
Thu Sep 12 22:27:47 EDT 2002

You can move Oracle shared library from another server. I have a but it was compiled with 6.2. It won't work. You need a shared library in /usr/lib/php4 for Oracle access. 

So, the quick answer is to compile. It is straightforward. 

jose sanchez <j_r_sanchez at> wrote ..
> Hello:
> I have looked at the faq and cant find the answer, all
> I seem to find is the question, everywhere and no help
> for stupid people like me.
> I already installed php on a RH7.2 system with the
> rpm. Everywhere I look says I have to  compile php
> with oracle support. My question is: Since I have
> oracle already installed is there a way to edit any
> file like php.ini to enable oracle 8i support or do I
> HAVE to compile a php in order to get it working?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> =====
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