[nycphp-talk] PHPCon 2002 October 24 & 25, 2002

Donald Andrew Agarrat donald at
Sun Sep 22 15:10:50 EDT 2002

On Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 10:06  PM, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> Why don't they have one of these in NY!
> Anyone going by chance?

Hi, I'm Donald.  I'm a web designer new to nyphp and to PHP/MySQL.  I 
really think it's exciting to see open source projects like PHP and 
MySQL become so popular!  The combination of the two provides access to 
some might powerful features to MANY people and organization who 
wouldn't ordinarily be able to afford the technology (of particular 
interest to me).  I'm looking for the community and training to bolster 
my skills in both.

I'm definitely considering going to this conference.  If there was an 
additional discount for user groups such as our own, I would buy my 
tickets this week.  Even if that doesn't happen, I think this is an 
important conference to support and attend.

Donald  [ ]

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