[PHP] Help! Can't set cookie or redirect!!!

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Sat Sep 28 21:16:24 EDT 2002


You are sending output somewhere prior to the following line:

header("Location: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["refURL"]);

Basically, as soon as you output anything, PHP has to assume you are 
finished manipulating headers.

Output can be anything from a space, newline, or HTML. It is not your 
setcookie() function but something that happens prior to that. Remember 
that everything not in PHP mode is considered output.


Phil Powell wrote:

>I am getting the following errors attempting to set a cookie and redirect:
>Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /users/ppowell/web/my/process.php:5) in /users/ppowell/web/my/process.php on line 76
>Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /users/ppowell/web/my/process.php:5) in /users/ppowell/web/my/process.php on line 77
>   setcookie("valLayout", $id, time()+3600*24*30*12*100, $SERVER_NAME); // WILL EXPIRE IN 100 YEARS.. UM YEAH
>    header("Location: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["refURL"]);
>The first time I ran this script it set the cookie just fine; subsequent runnings of this script produce this error.  What am I doing wrong, anyone?

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