tools for working with mp3/ogg

Michael Sims jellicle at
Sun Sep 29 16:11:08 EDT 2002

Hi, I'm looking for some info on the state of the art with regard to 
working with mp3/ogg files with PHP.

End goals:

--database (preferably Postgresql) holding info about a library of 
mp3/ogg files (preferably ogg)
--ability to dynamically create playlists, stream and stream 30-second 
excerpts of these files

I don't really care about the front-end user interface part of this; I'll 
write it.  I'm looking for tools to *work with* music files, both on 
building the library and as part of the backend of the website when it's 
operational - a tool to look at multiple music files and insert all of 
the interesting information (title, bitrate, length, and so on) into a 
database would be nice, for example.

I've heard of the Andromeda mp3 script, except it doesn't do nearly all 
that I need to do, and it's commercial anyway.

Some tools I'm aware of:

--apache modules like mod_mp3
--perl libraries like Apache::mp3

Anything else?

Hmmm, while I was writing this email I came across Netjuke:

which looks very interesting, so I'll have to check that out.  And 
reading the Netjuke page I see , which 
looks like the perfect solution to reading in the music files.  
Excellent.  But I might as well throw this out there anyway.  :)

Michael Sims

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