[nycphp-talk] Any way to check for CLI?

Brian brian at
Fri Apr 4 10:07:17 EST 2003

[P]rintf [W]orking [D]irectory ?  Just a guess.


On Friday 04 April 2003 10:05 am, Mark Armendariz wrote:
> Do any of you by any chance know how to check if a script is called
> via command line or from a browser?
> I have a script that is called from either one, and I need to
> change the output methods accordingly.  Looking at the phpinfo, I
> don't see any variable that seems like a solid "this is from the
> command line".
> Oh, and to slip a second one in here.  What is $_SERVER['PWD']?  I
> noticed it shows the dir structure to the current file on my
> server, which is fantastic.  Is that what it's supposed to do?  And
> what does PWD stand for.
> Muchos Thanks and have a great Friday!!!
> Mark
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