[nycphp-talk] Any way to check for CLI?

Sexton, David dsexton at
Fri Apr 4 10:11:52 EST 2003

It stands for "present working directory". What you could do is run your
command line script from a specific directory and then use $_SERVER['PWD']
to determine if it's in the command-line only directory. Unless you have
some requirements for running it from a specific location.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Armendariz [mailto:nyphp at]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:05 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Any way to check for CLI?

Do any of you by any chance know how to check if a script is called via
command line or from a browser?
I have a script that is called from either one, and I need to change the
output methods accordingly.  Looking at the phpinfo, I don't see any
variable that seems like a solid "this is from the command line".
Oh, and to slip a second one in here.  What is $_SERVER['PWD']?  I
noticed it shows the dir structure to the current file on my server,
which is fantastic.  Is that what it's supposed to do?  And what does
PWD stand for.
Muchos Thanks and have a great Friday!!!

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