[nycphp-talk] Advanced Search Techniques

Jim Hendricks jim at
Fri Apr 11 15:02:04 EDT 2003

Sounds to me like your looking for fuzzy logic.  The misspellings etc. sound
like phonetic lookups where each word is attempted to be converted into
phonetic tokens then looked up by them with a nearness factor set which may
mean if the phrase breaks into 20 phonetics and a nearness of 80% then if 18
phonetics match return it.

Jim Hendricks, President, Biz Computing, Inc
Phone:  (201) 599-9380     Email: jim at
Snail:  Jim Hendricks,  Biz Computing, Inc.,  255 McKinley Ave, New Milford,
NJ 07646

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Armendariz" <nyphp at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Advanced Search Techniques

> I just pulled in a gig (finally).  They are building a literary
> reference guide.
> Well, while planning they hit me with something I'm not too versed in.
> They want to eventually have something they called "fingerprint"
> searching.  The term alone meant nothing to me (beyond the obvious -
> which google agreed with).
> Basically it has something to do with using synonyms and misspellings
> and all types of other fun algorithms to find what a user is looking
> for.  Does anyone hear have any experience with such things, or maybe
> know where to look?
> Thanks!!
> Mark
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