[nycphp-talk] Re: Search Engine - reply #2

Stephen Tang webapprentice at
Mon Apr 14 07:42:52 EDT 2003

Hi Bruce,
Thanks for your input.

I agree with you on a need for a database-backed search engine hosted on at my client's site with searchable fields the way you describe.  But, between the infancy of the business (i.e. low funds) and my lack of technical know-how at the moment (i.e. learning as I go), such an implementation would appear too costly at the moment.

I think a general site search is fine.  On the suggestion of Chris and Patrick here on the list, I followed a link to Search Watch and Google.

It looks like my client is ok with Google's free SiteSearch.
My client just wants a basic way of search the domain.
I'll have to manage expectations if my client wants more. :)

Thanks for your input.


-------Original Message-------
From: bruce at
Sent: 04/14/03 10:25 AM
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Re: Search Engine - reply #2

> this is a continuation of my previous reply that is implicit in what I
wrote but I want to make it more clear.

Although your focus is on the actual search mechanishm, you also need to
look at the user interface design.  This will impact on what needs to be
done on the back end to deliver the desired results.

This will be important to you given the limited budget/resources your
friends have.

- Bruce

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