[nycphp-talk] Installing MySQL 4.0 on Mac OS X

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Mon Apr 14 18:30:48 EDT 2003

--- Matthew Zimmerman <mz34 at> wrote:
> I am installing MySQL 4.0 on a Mac OSX 10.2.5 server and was having 
> some trouble. Wondering if anyone else on here had any luck.
> I follow the instructions to installing using the Mac OSX package and 
> when I issue the command
> /bin/mysqld_safe &
> the daemon starts and then stops.

This may be a shot in the dark, but are you executing this as root? If not,
that may be why you have the permission problem. If memory serves correctly,
enabling root access on OS X is deliberately difficult, so you may just want to
use sudo to execute that.

Also, thanks for mentioning mysqld_safe. I haven't kept up with MySQL 4, so I
didn't realize they switched the name around. :-)


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