Sun Microsystems: Free Web Services Seminar

George Natalino georgenatalino at
Wed Apr 16 09:22:10 EDT 2003

Requires registration.

			 "Beyond the Web Services Buzz:
		Service-Oriented Technology in the Real World!"

	      Presented by Sun Microsystems and Forrester Research


Members of IT Management, Software Development, and any other technical
personnel evaluating and/or responsible for introducing Web Services
technologies into a company's infrastructure.  This event will help
de-mystify the Web Services market, focusing on what you can do today
with Web Services technologies and the benefits you can start reaping
now from Web Services implementations.

May 6		New York City, NY
May 7		Sommerset, NJ
May 8		Washington D.C.
May 13		Denver, CO
May 14		Detroit, MI
May 15		Chicago, IL
June 3		Menlo Park, CA
June 5		Bellevue, WA

8:30 - 9:00am         	 Registration

9:00am - 10:00am     	"Road to a Service-Based Architecture"
			Ted Schadler - Principal Analyst, 
			Forrester Research
Web services standards are lowering the barriers to business and
application integration.  But companies need more than just SOAP and
WSDL...they must implement a service-oriented architecture to transform
a simple Web service into a system for establishing and managing
connections to customers, partners, and suppliers.  This first
presentation will introduce a roadmap for building a service-oriented
architecture including best practices and technologies.

10:00 - 10:10		Break

10:10 - 10:55am    	"The Network is the Application - Exploiting the
			Service-Based Architecture"
			Drew Engstrom, SR. Market Strategist - Web Services, 
			Sun Microsystems

Revolutionary or evolutionary? Continuous or discontinuous? Still 
trying to get beyond the Web Services hype and find out what these new 
technologies can offer your company? This presentation will examine the
impacts of a service-based architecture on network systems, software
development and business strategy. In this presentation, you will learn
both Sun Microsystems' vision of where current IT trends are taking the
market and Sun Microsystems' roadmap for navigating the way. Critical 
points will
be supported with customer examples and market data.
10:55am - 11:05am	Break

11:05am - 11:50am      	"Web Services Applied - Case Studies"
			Sun Professional Services

Would you like to see working proof of Web Services in action?  In this
presentation, representatives from Sun Professional Services will
discuss real Web Services implementations by top companies around the
world.  Web Services architecture will be highlighted as well as
benefits recognized via these Web Services implementations.

REGISTRATION:   To register for this briefing, go to
		Event ID:  webservices
		Passcode:  sun

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