[nycphp-talk] PHP Storing Query

jsiegel1 at jsiegel1 at
Fri Apr 25 09:08:36 EDT 2003


Not sure if you got a response to this (I'm on vacation using a crummy dial-up connection so it's hard for me to check email) but the short answer to your question is you should be able to store the query in the Access database. However, I'm not sure if you can do it using PHP (I assume if you're asking the question here you are using PHP) so you may have to use ASP (Active Server Pages). I would be surprised if PHP's ODBC support allows you to create a query and store it in the MS Access database.

I've used ASP against an MS Access database but have not explored the capabilities of writing queries to the MDB file. 

P.S. If you did a Google search concerning this particular problem, most of the code you'll find...though it is likely to refer to directly to MS can port it over to ASP with only a few modifications.

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael E Keszkowski <kesz1 at>
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:28 am
Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHP Storing Query

> Hello;
> I am adding a web (using php) interface to an existing MS Access 
> database application.  Currently, databse is stored on a network 
> drive and 10+ users query/update records daily.  Because some 
> people cannot handle change very well (never mind a computer 
> related change)  I would like to keep the existence database 
> application and slowly migrate the users over to the web.
> My problem is, the application was developed very poorly.  I need 
> to know if I can (and how to) create a query online and save that 
> query (sql statement) in the access database as a query itself.
> thanks,
> -- mike
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