[nycphp-talk] eating cookies in IE on XP?

Brian Pang bpang at
Fri Aug 1 14:34:19 EDT 2003

yes, I understand how cookies work... I assume you are asking if I know
that the changes won't take effect until the next page load.

I'm checking on subsequent pages after changing the expiration... 

> --- Brian Pang <bpang at> wrote:
> > Does anyone know of an issue with (php) cookies in IE on XP
> > (at least I think it's XP, it's not my machine, it's a remote
> > client's) where if the cookie's expiration is set to sometime
> > in the past it is still somehow returns true for
> > isset($_COOKIE['foo']);
> Do you understand how cookies work? If you answer yes, then I can skip
a whole
> bunch of questions. :-)
> If not, at what point after "setting" the cookie's expiration date to an
> expired date are you checking for its existance?
> Chris
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