[nycphp-talk] Single-Logon User Authentication, PHP and viewingnon-ASCII

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Tue Aug 19 01:05:21 EDT 2003


On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 11:48:39PM -0400, Phil Powell wrote:
> CGI just failed.  My script produces TCL-level errors that state.. guess
> what.. Permission DENIED!
> Yes, cgi-bin does not even have permissions to the /content folder!
> I'm out of ideas

Don't give up so easlily.  You've got to be a hacker to get things done!  

First off, you're saying that the PHP script ran as CGI and produced a PHP 
Warning saying something like "Permission denied ... on line x?"  So, 
please copy and paste the error message here.  It includes the path, which 
we'll need to diagnose the problem.

I bet the ownership, permissions and/or path of the dirs/files in
question is not set up correctly.

In your shell terminal do an "ls -la /path/to/secure/dir" of the directory
where those secured files are.  Also, do an "ls -la /path/to/web/dir"
where the script you're running is.  Send us the results for ., .. and the
script/file in question, including the exact command you typed in.

Hmmm...  You're just reading files, right?  Try this in your shell and let
us know what happens:  "whoami" and then
"cat /path/to/secue/dir/testfile.txt"

Also, some servers have path mappings that are different from the shell
than from a CGI executing on the web host.  Ask the system administrator
if there's something like that going on here.


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