[nycphp-talk] PHP project from Hell Story

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Aug 22 15:21:43 EDT 2003

There's also Macromedia Contribute CMS which is $99 and I've heard good 
reviews although haven't had a chance to use yet.

I've got client from hell stories as well, but yours is a keeper!  Feel 
your pain...


On Friday, Aug 22, 2003, at 15:19 US/Eastern, Phil Powell wrote:

> Considering he removed me from the project, deleted all the files and
> everything else, I couldn't give a rat's arse what he does at this 
> point,
> but that's good to know for the future.
> I just wanted to know if I were the only one on earth that gets 
> clients from
> Hell.
> Phil

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