[nycphp-talk] PHP project from Hell Story

Rolan rolan at
Fri Aug 22 18:56:47 EDT 2003

hah. that is pretty funny.

Actually, you could probably use a procmail script to
forward an html email (chock full 'o images) to the
php script. So, the author of the pages could simply
use outlook or some other html-enabled mail client
to compose the pages, send them to some obscure adderss like
987awef9239823r9238r9823q at and
then the php script would split/decode the payload and
place things wherever they are supposed to go.

Phil, I want a water too.


Brian Pang wrote:

>Because I have too much actual work to do, I decided to put my theory to
>the test and write it up myself.
>I actually think I was pretty much spot on from the beginning. Damn, I'm
>Of course, it would still be a trick to get the base64_encode()d image
>data into the single file in the first place... but that's another issue.
>Phil, you owe me $34.25
>>If you have a chance, for educational purposes, at least, try working
>>out that suggested solution I posted and let us know if you can get it
>>to work. Just in case Lawrence calls up any of us instead, then we can
>>tell him that it CAN be done. :)
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