[nycphp-talk] php & oracle 9i

Brian Pang bpang at
Thu Aug 28 13:35:22 EDT 2003

So, even though php was originally compiled to use 8i, I need to
recompile it to work with 9i?

I need oracle 9i client libraries, then?

I'm not the dba on this project, and not overly familiar with Oracle
(why should I be, when mysql is so great), but I need to be able to at
least speak (pseudo-)intelligently with him.



> Brian Pang wrote:
> > Tom,
> > thanks. That does help to know that it _does_ work. I am using the oci
> > functions, not ora.
> > I think I may need to recompile php, and maybe apache, too? still
> > researching.
> The oracle client for 8i will work against 9i IIRC - but this is the
Oracle client itself, not the client libraries.  You'll almost certainly
need to recompile PHP, and thusly Apache if it's not a DSO.
> And Tom, how about Matt gives a PHP with Oracle presentation over this
way, when he gets back from vacation?  :)
> H
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