[nycphp-talk] newbie - square one

Brian Pang bpang at
Tue Dec 2 09:52:59 EST 2003

I'm going to skip straight to the php.

With this code, you are initializing $params as a variable with value.
> <?php
> $params=value;
> ...
> ?>

However you are passing ?params=value in the query string. You can
access the query string variable directly as $_GET['params'].

> and that the query string will have "created" the variable $params
> and somehow PHP will "know" what's in the query string and
> "value" will be defined...really? I don't have to extract some 
> ENV-VAR like old-fashioned CGI processing?

This only happens if register_globals is turned on in your php_ini.
Don't rely on it. Do it the right way with $_GET['params'].

Change this:
> <?php
> $params=value;
> echo "<BODY onLoad=\"myJavaScriptFunc(\" + $params + \");\" ";
> ?>

<BODY onload="myJavaScriptFunc(<?=$_GET['params']?>)">

It's MUCH easier to drop PHP vars into html this way, rather than
echoing out the full line with escaped quotes, etc.

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