[nycphp-talk] sqlite utility and reloading a dump

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sat Dec 6 17:24:33 EST 2003

Hi John:

On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 02:37:43PM -0700, John Lacey wrote:
> My question is: hasn't this behavior come up before in light 
> of the fact that SQLite is being included in PHP5?

When escaping "'" without the use of an ESCAPE clause, most DBMS's, and 
perhaps the SQL-99 standard itself, use "''"

MySQL kind of made up it's own thing by doing "\'"  Do note, you can also
use "''" in MySQL (at least in version 4.0, maybe in 3.2x too).

The drag is mysqldump puts "\'" in there.  That should be classified as a 


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