[nycphp-talk] Connection to MySQL 4.1.X with php 5.0b2 running windows xp

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Dec 8 15:13:51 EST 2003


On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 03:07:06PM -0500, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> I'm not too familiar with the Windows precompiled binaries (although I've 
> had PHP4 and MySQL humming along under WinXP) but if you're using a PHP 5 
> beta, why is it php4ts.dll?  Might be something to check out

Very observant Hans.  Those names are correct for now.

This DLL naming matter has been brought up to the developers, but there 
has been no indication as to whether or not this will change.

I hope it does get modified because it would make it possible to easily
run PHP 4 and PHP 5 on the same machine.



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