[nycphp-talk] configuring image library for php 4.3.2/apache/linux

Keith Richardson keith.richardson at
Thu Dec 11 07:46:42 EST 2003

Most of the web servers I have worked on that have been linux have been
shared hosting, with all of the php libs included. I just bought a dedicated
server from, and consolidated our sites onto 1 server.

I noticed that my image functions were displaying red x's instead of showing
graphs. I run the script directly, , and I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate() in
/home/replaysx/public_html/ratingbar.php on line 136

My phpinfo is at

The only servers that I configured php for were Mac OS X and Windows 2000
under IIS 5, and all of the functions came compiled with the version that I
downloaded for Mac OS X, and you can add extentions in Win2k with the

I searched for a bit, and I am coming up short on how to add the image
library support. Im sure all of you on here have done it multiple times, so
I figured that this would be the shortest route to my answer :)

thank you all!

Keith Richardson

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