[nycphp-talk] file uploads

rinaudomatteo rinaudomatteo at
Mon Dec 15 05:06:25 EST 2003

Hi all. Please pardon my English, I'm an Italian guy.
IMHO the best solution would be a PHP-managed FTP upload (e.g. ftp_put,
etc.) See:

For a form-based-upload, however:

Instead of using: 'max_execution_time = 600' (unpolite) you should set a
time limit in the PHP script: set_time_limit(0) in order to avoid:
1) some more modification to the php.ini file if the file to be uploaded
grows in size;
2) any time-limit-is-over troubles during script execution.

file_uploads = 1 (obviously)
post_max_size MUST BE LARGER THAN upload_max_filesize
upload_max_filesize = 250M or what you want
memory_limit SHOULD BE LARGER THAN post_max_size or should set to '-1'
for no memory limit. Note that PHP must be compiled with the '
--enable-memory-limit' in the 'configure' options.

Best regards, Matt

Matteo Rinaudo
Software Developer
Silicia s.r.l.
via V. di Marco, 8
90143 PALERMO - Italy
tel. +39 91 730 85 73 int. 104

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