[nycphp-talk] verify unicode text exists

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Tue Dec 16 12:15:05 EST 2003

hi there:

in my scripts, i generally do a simple little check like this if i 
want to make sure something was inputted in a field, or in this case 
i am looping through an array and removing any index that lacks at 
least some text:

	if( !ereg("[[:alnum:]]+",$desc_contents[$x]) ){

anyway, that is enough for anything i want to do in english.

however, i am now dealing with some korean and bulgarian text, and 
this fails, because those characters are not part of "alnum".  at the 
moment, i've replaced it with a check of "strlen($text)>0", but if 
the text was ";@ #^&*" it would pass the test.

so, i'm interested in how people deal with this sort of situation?

i need to check that at least some valid characters (i.e., for human 
readable content) were inputted into a form, or exist in some 
variable, but that will work for any language in the world, when the 
text in question is known to be unicode.


Marc Antony Vose

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin

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