[nycphp-talk] Dynamic Forms

Edward Potter ejp at
Tue Dec 16 22:17:05 EST 2003

At this point, I sometimes think, maybe spend an hour with the site 
manager person and show them how to code some php input  template code. 
They can mount the whole thing in BBEdit or Homesite. Maybe week 1 they 
add a simple field, week 2 a drop down, etc.

They can also use phpAdmin or something similar to do all the field 
management. Sometimes you have to give clients what they need vs what 
they ask for. Painful for some, but worth it in the end.

On the other hand, the code is probably not that hard to write. You 
have to code for every permutation, but once you do that, just play it 
back based on form input. Write to an open file. Over-writing your html 
template each time.

- ed

On Dec 16, 2003, at 5:58 PM, Ophir Prusak wrote:

> Hi All,
> I just found out that a project we're working on needs to support user 
> customizable fields.
> In other words, lets say we have a User form where we store user data.
> The system has built in mandatory fields like:
> Username (text)
> First name (text)
> Last name (text)
> Birthdate (date)
> Country (pulldown)
> We need to give the system admin a web interface to add their own 
> fields so they could add their own fields like:
> division (pulldown)
> boss's name (text)
> married (checkbox)
> etc.
> Has anyone here already implemented something like this ?
> Is there a "simple" solution to this ?
> Anyone know of any packages that do this ?
> I looked at a couple of open source survey packages which have this 
> type of functionality, but ideally I'd like to find something simpler.
> Thanx
> Ophir
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