[nycphp-talk] anyone else ill?

csnyder at csnyder at
Wed Dec 17 13:26:40 EST 2003

You had the Pig Sandwich didn't you? 

Sorry, couldn't resist. If you started to feel bad on your way home, you
probably didn't catch it there, you just spread it to the rest of us...

Hope you feel better, Dan. Great to see everyone last night!

Quoting Daniel Convissor <danielc at>:

> Hi Folks:
> How come the latest Security Focus news letter didn't warn me about the 
> bug I cought last night?
> As i was leaving the Hard Rock, I was starting to feel ill.  By the time I 
> went to bed, I had a full blown feever.  I'm a little better now, but not 
> great.
> I hope no one else came down with this.
> Enjoy,
> --Dan
> -- 
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