[nycphp-talk] Casting and list

Hans Zaunere hans at
Mon Dec 22 13:52:55 EST 2003

> How about defining an array at the top of all the variables 
> you want to cast as an integer
> $intVars = array('id', 'somenumber');
> then a simple
> ist($id,$name,$somenumber) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
> foreach ($inVars as $iv) $$iv = (int) $$iv ;

That's not a bad idea.

> or you could make two SQL calls, one for things you want to 
> be integers and the other for everything else, followed by an
> casting the contents of the integer-only call (returned as an
associative array, 
> mind you) to int.

Ehh, negative on the two SQL calls.  I do have a function that attempts
to do this type of thing.  It's a type-sensitive mysql_fetch_row()
(which is really what I'd like):

but it's a little heavy and annoying in some ways.  Alas, the yin-yang
of a type-less language.

Thanks Jeff - that array up top might be a nice maintainable way to
workaround this so that future generations can read the code :)


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