[nycphp-talk] Native PHP functions in MySQL?

Dan Cech dcech at
Fri Dec 26 12:11:55 EST 2003

Actually there is a UDF which can execute PHP code already.  Written by 
David Sklar, you can find it here:


As for usefulness, it could be very handy if you wanted to for instance 
implement partial order nested sets:


There are plenty of situations where the ability to execute php code 
could be a Good Thing, though for most cases the same results can be 
achieved with SQL-99 stored procedures, which are supported in MySQL 5.x 
and much more portable than embedded php code.

Dan Cech

jon baer wrote:

> i noticed this project just recently:
> basically a wrapper using mysql w/  CREATE FUNCTION foo RETURNS STRING
> SONAME ""; to run Java natively ... so you could do this:
> mysql> SELECT foo("classes/MyClasss", COLUMN1, COLUMN2) FROM foobar;
> i wonder what the major advantages of this really are or if its overkill, im
> assuming the same thing could be done w/ php ... but beyond filtering what
> would it be good for?
> - jon
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