[nycphp-talk] need help with magic-quotes for PHundamentals

Hans Zaunere hans at
Wed Dec 31 12:38:50 EST 2003

> I'm finishing up the article on php.ini settings to which 
> many of you have contributed over the past month and a half, 
> and I need a bit more help on this one issue.
> There seems to be a consensus that the three magic_quotes 
> settings should be off except in certain very limited circumstances.
> 1.  is this accurate?

No.. they should never be on...

> 2.  what are (examples of) those very limited circumstances?

Exactly.   :)

Not to beat a dead horse, but I think a lot of PHP's "convenience"
settings (like register_globals, magic_this and magic_that) fall into
the "it seemed like a good idea at the time" department.  For the most
part, the php.ini-recommended is the way to go -


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