[nycphp-talk] regarding GD lib

George Webb gw.nyphp at
Sun Jan 5 11:45:26 EST 2003

Dear Tracy,

	Here is a basic suggestion:

	Build a test script that just displays
the configuration info:

<? phpinfo() ?>

	(It's a one-line script.)  This will allow
you to see if the GD extensions have actually been
loaded.  Of course you should run this script as
a CGI or whatever method you will be running your
real script.

	If the GD stuff is working, it will be listed
as "GD Support: enabled" or something like that in
this configuration listing.  There may be some furthe
options with GD that may also be (or not be) listed.

	If you don't see any references to GD in the
phpinfo page, I would suspect your extension DLLs are
not in the right place.  I have only installed Windows
PHP once or twice, but this was always an issue.
Perhaps someone else could explain exactly where what
needs to go.  For some reason, I think you should dump
all of the PHP DLL's into one of those Windows system
directories . . . which seems ugly, but I think that
was recommended and it worked for me.  Check the
installation documentation.

	However, did you know that as of PHP version 4.3,
GD is bundled with PHP?  If you haven't yet got it to
work, I would recommend getting up to date, and using
the bundled library, rather than getting committed to
obsolete GD and PHP versions -- which may cause you
trouble when upgrading in the future.

	You may still have to "install" the bundled
GD, but it may be more likely to work out-of-the-box,
since it all came from the same package.

	Oh yeah, once you know PHP is running GD (by
seeing "GD" in the phpinfo report, you can move on
to troubleshooting real GD-specific issues (if any).

Best, George.

George Webb
gw.nyphp at

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