[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE

Sterling Hughes sterling at
Wed Jan 15 12:22:48 EST 2003

On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 12:02, Ophir Prusak wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm currently thinking of moving to a "real" IDE for PHP development.
> Until now I've only been using "text editors" for my PHP development (namely
> emacs and textpad).
> The only "requirement" is that I can trace through my PHP code (preferably
> running on a Linux based server and not just my PC)
> Until now the development cycle has always been code -> copy to server ->
> run PHP script -> see what happens.
> 1. I know that Zend Studio and NuSphere PHPEd support this. Are there any
> others ?

I believe so, but I don't know why you would others - if you are set on
purchasing an ide.

> 2. Can anyone who uses and IDE give a short review ?

I'm a big fan of the Zend IDE, 2.5 beats NuSphere hands down.  With that
said, Zend IDE 2.6 should come out soon, and that's even better than
2.5, with support for cvs project management.

> 3. Are there any links to "professional" reviews out there ?

Those are links to external reviews of the product.


PS: I have no professional affiliation with Zend.  Although, it must be
said, I like them, and I find NuSphere's behaviour with MySQL

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 alone is responsible. Universes of virtually unlimited complexity  
 can be created in the form of computer programs." 
    - Joseph Weizenbaum

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