[nycphp-talk] New York PHP become the Official Zend Beta Tester Gang!!

Weston Houghton weslists at
Thu Jan 16 12:58:38 EST 2003

Is there any reference information we should be using when  
communicating with the beta folks at Zend? I'd love to be testing this  
under OS X, and just want to clear up a couple questions with them.  
Should I just mention that I am a nyphp member?


On Thursday, January 16, 2003, at 11:19  AM, Daniel Kushner wrote:

> Dear New York PHP Group,
> Please keep the information and links information private. This is not  
> a
> public beta release and is only available for NYPHP and selected Zend
> customers.
> Thank you,
> Daniel Kushner
> Vice President
> New York PHP
> daniel at
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
> +++++
> ++++
> We are happy to inform you that a beta release of Zend Studio 2.6 is  
> now
> available. This beta release is available to all existing Zend Studio
> customers for evaluation.
> You can access the beta package at:
> This release will be available up until the upcoming official Studio  
> 2.6
> launch, in early February.
> What's New
> **********
> We hope that you'll enjoy taking advantage of the new features  
> available,
> including:
>  - CVS Integration: Perform all your CVS operations, directly from  
> within
> the Zend Development Environment
>  - Advanced project management capabilities
>  - Additional advanced usability features: cross-file searching and  
> bookmark
> management, regular expression searching, window cloning, customizable
> shortcuts, conditional breakpoints, deeper ftp integration, mousewheel
> support
>  - Tighter Windows integration, including file system view
>  - Improved performance on all platforms
>  - Java Runtime v1.41 integration
>  - Mousewheel support
>  - Many bug fixes (including the infamous flashing window pane bug!)
> Feedback
> ********
> Please send all comments and feedback to mailto:beta at We want  
> to
> hear from you.
> System Requirements
> *******************
> System Requirements for Studio 2.6 remain the same as Studio 2.5
> requirements, with the following exceptions:
>  - Windows 98 is no longer supported.
>  - For Windows 2000 users, it is strongly recommended to install  
> Microsoft's
> Service Pack 3.
>  - Mac OSX is not yet supported for Studio 2.6. Support will be made
> available in the future, in parallel with Apple support for Java JRE  
> 1.4.1.
>  - NOTE: Zend Studio 2.6 will support PHP 4.3.  However, the current  
> beta
> release is not yet fully compatible with 4.3.
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