[nycphp-talk] NYC Freelance rates

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sun Jan 19 07:29:32 EST 2003

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> and no optimization what so ever. When you ask why there is only one
> function in the whole application and the answer is: "Well, I only found
> last week that there are functions in PHP", you can fully understand where
> the $20/hour comes from.

This is a good point ... but recently the whole hiring process has made me
sick, including a recent "would you work for back pay?" ... Im thinking of
leaving the entire software area for a long time till things get ironed out,
you have people trying to hire you not even knowing what *they* want, you
have software platforms that sometimes change from one release to another
literally overnight ... on top your work can't even be "creative" and "fun"
anymore, you have to adhere to strict guidelines which are barely ever
taught, you have 100 different books by 100 different programmers on the
same subject using 100 different methods to do 1 single thing and then you
have this term "freelance" in which people think the word "free" in there
actually has a different term besides "free to do other things @ the same
time" ...

I was fortunate to land a 3 month LAMP project to keep things afloat but I
can't see beyond it and will probably move to hardware/reselling/training or
selling.  Id also recommend the individual hold out for more money despite
the economy but there could be other factors, question is how much you can
live for to decide on whether the job (and probably headaches) are worth.

- - Jon
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