[nycphp-talk] files no longer upload!

George Webb gw.nyphp at
Mon Jan 20 18:33:29 EST 2003

Just a thought: maybe you moved some files around so your server
is 301/302 Redirecting to your script.  If you post to one URL,
I don't think the posted data will actually get posted to the
redirected URL.

Or, are you sure the script you're editing (or as you said, you're
*not* editing) is the script which the server is serving?  As a
check, you could thrown some fatal syntax error in to see if that
crashes your script via HTTP.  If your script still runs, you're
editing the wrong script.  This happens to me often in a multi-server
environment when I'm editing the file on the wrong server.

I'm all about the idiot checks.  Or more accurately, I should be!

Best, George.

George Webb

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