[nycphp-talk] PHP Application Building Blocks

Jaz-Michael King JMKing at
Tue Jan 21 13:25:28 EST 2003

the oermissions system's lowest rung is member, they have no access to the cms but they can view pages assigned a "member" status - there are groups and users, but it's just the architecture, you'll need to make the various modules. maybe some already done in dev, check the group in yahoo.

comments / personalization isn't built-in, but it's easy enough to add.

I picked sitellite out of about 10 packages for a few vaguely remembered reasons: here's what I can drag out ofmemory

most cms I use make it impossible to refine the layout beyond three columns lots of boxes, this one is way more open
no redundant code (that I could find)
the site was federal money, so needed to be section 508 compliant, this one seemd to be the most 508 capable
code was extremely well documented within the code, well laid out, obvious attention to detail within
the product seemed young enough to not yet have a bunch of feature creep and code bloat all over it (which was true)
not free, but not expensive - I wanted to pay *something*. I haven't yet, though, no matter how hard I try.
xhtml / css ready

thats what I can remember at least


Jaz-Michael King
Online Services Manager

>>> "Ophir Prusak" <ophir at> 01/21/03 12:58PM >>>
It looks pretty good for cms stuff.
My biggest concern is that the site I'm making is very user centric.
Users will be able to register / add comments / vote / etc.
Does sitellite already have user authentication / group management stuff it
in ? (not the site editors themselves).
If not do u think it would be hard to add it ?

Also - I'm wondering why u picked sitellite (and not the tons of other

Again, thanx for your time,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jaz-Michael King" <JMKing at>
To: <ophir at>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP Application Building Blocks

Absolutely, been using it for over a year now. runs it - 20k
uniques a month, as does my test site - one word of
advice, php accelerator. w/o it I'd be effed.

It's a breeze to work with, doesn't take control of your content or layout,
and is easily extended.

Support is iffy, there's a yahoo dev group but the project is still pretty
small user wise IMO. Documentation is lacking, mostly due to the fact that
it's mostly one guy and he releases faster than he can document :o)


>>> "Ophir Prusak" <ophir at> 01/21/03 11:15AM >>>
Hi Jaz,

Thanks for the info.
Have you used Sitellite yourself ?
If yes, any comments ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jaz-Michael King" <JMKing at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP Application Building Blocks

> Sitellite Application Framework : 
> J
> >>> ophir at 01/18/03 06:56PM >>>
> Hi All,
> After custom coding my video game site for the past 3 years, I've decided
> rewrite the whole thing from scratch.
> Instead of re-inventing the wheel, I'm looking for good PHP "packages"
> I'll be able to use.
> I am NOT looking for a portal in a box.
> I AM looking for packages that provide "building blocks" that will allow
> to create a site.
> Can any one recommend anything ?
> Thanx
> Ophir
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