[nycphp-talk] Apache/PHP Authentication - Again

Chris Snyder chris at
Fri Jan 31 09:54:21 EST 2003

Griffith Feeney wrote:

>The approach suggested in
> (put the files
>outside the document root and use PHP to read them, supply headers, and
>forward) will work, but it would be much simpler to be able to password
>protect all files in any specified set of directories using Apache
>htaccess. The problem with this is updating the user list, which is large
>and in MySQL. The web hosting service doesn't support mod_auth_mysql.
This is probably off-topic since it sounds like you've decided on an 
.htaccess solution, but I have a project called Fiatlux 
( ) that creates 
password-protected fileshares using PHP.

It currently uses a flat file user database, but could easily be 
extended to incorporate MySQL.


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