[nycphp-talk] [Fwd: Web defacement challenge]

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Jul 3 15:25:16 EDT 2003

This is probably old news for many of you, but I figured I'd pass it on.  I'm seeing a flurry unknown/unauthorized hits on our sites here at work, but the 'contestants' haven't proved anything yet.

Anyway, enjoy the 4th,


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Web defacement challenge
Date: 	Wed, 02 Jul 2003 13:14:39 -0400
To: 	NYU Security Alert list

The actual challenge information can be found at

> Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:24:17 -0400

> Subject: Web defacement challenge
> To All NYU Webserver Administrators:
> It had come to our attention from several credible sources that there 
> is a open hacker challenge for this holiday weekend. Specifically, to 
> deface 6000 web sites in 6 hours on July 4th. Unfortunately, I don't 
> have more specific information, but the ISS security company is 
> investigating and will post more info as it's available on their 
> X-force web page:
> July 4th weekend has traditionally been a popular time for launching 
> of new compromises, or new exploits for known compromises. So, it 
> would be in your best interests to check to make sure that your 
> servers are up to date on all patches, and that you keep an eye out 
> for strange behavior over the weekend. If you pick up anything 
> unusual, please let us know at 

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