[nycphp-talk] innoDB?

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Jul 11 15:33:10 EDT 2003

Christopher Hendry wrote:

> Recently ran across innoDB for mySQL...looks to be pretty powerful and
> claims to benchmark faster than MyISAM tables - anyone have any experience
> with this and can educate me on the advantages, disadvantages?

I've looked at using innoDB several times, but always fell back to MyISAM.  I guess the biggest advantage would be considered transactions (so MySQL does have transactions!) and foreign key constraints.

IIRC, the reason performance can be seen as better than MyISAM is because of locking - innoDB does row locking and MyISAM does table locking.  Both I suppose have some pros and cons.  That said, I commonly hear that major MySQL implementations use innoDB.,


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