[nycphp-talk] IIS 5 and PHP with User Access

Keith Richardson keithjr at
Wed Jul 16 10:46:21 EDT 2003

I've been having this problem forever on my browser. I am using Win2k with
IE 6.0 at work. When I log into a NT domain authenticated page (say
phpmyadmin) - forms do not submit correctly through the remainder of my
page. Even if it is a different site, my forms do not pass the variables.

I have a page for a conference room scheduling program that dis-allows
anonymous access, so that you can hit the page, and it will log you in
automatically, since the login cookie expires on closing the browser. It
logs in fine, and redirects you to the index page with the correct

I can then click on say, list a calendar.

Then it displays all calendars that I have access to, and have buttons to
submit forms to view them. When you click on them, you hit the same page,
since that is what shows if no options of the form are submitted.

All of my form headers are <form name="form1" method="post"
action="blahblah.php"> as an example. Why are the variables not passing
with IIS 5 NT Authentication turned on? Any help will be appreciated :)

Keith Richardson
keithjr at

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