[nycphp-talk] IIS 5 and PHP with User Access

Keith Richardson keithjr at
Wed Jul 16 21:03:58 EDT 2003

ISAPI dll's, get variables work, but the problem is that they arent 

one thing i noticed is that if the directory disallows anonymous access 
along with the one file, it works, but you cant have anonymous and 
restricted access int he same browser "session" it seems....

i wonder why they dont say anything about that anywhere on

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 08:53 PM, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> Keith Richardson wrote:
>> Say you click this form:
>> <form name="form1" method="post" action="admin.editcal.php">
>> <input type="hidden" name="method" value="edit">
>> <input type="hidden" name="calid" value="12">
>> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit Calendar 12">
>> </form>
>> And in the top of the admin.editcal.php
>> if (empty($_POST['method']))
>>   $method = "index";
>> else
>>   $method = $_POST['method'];
>> switch ($method)
>> {
>>   case "index":
>>     // display code to show the list of calendars to edit
>>     break;
>>   case "edit":
>>     // edits 1 calendar
>>     break;
>>   case "save":
>>     // saves the calendar
>>     break;
>> }
>> and it goes to the index page when i click the forms.
>> i changed it to accept not just the $_POST['method'] variable, but 
>> also
>> $method, and then had a link saying <a
>> href="admin.editcal.php?method=edit&calid=12">Edit Calendar 12</a> 
>> and it
>> would go into the edit form, but the form would not submit.
> I completed a day of IIS training so I should be an expert (the 
> instructor said that we'll learn in this 3 day course what it'd take a 
> college course to teach for Apache - I'm not so sure yet  :)
> Anywhooo, for testing, what if you set the form's method to GET ?  Any 
> differance?  Using the latest version of PHP?  As ISAPI or CGI?
> Just some food for thought; maybe I'll get back to you in another 
> couple of days :)
> H
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