[nycphp-talk] limit file types on image uploads?

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Thu Jul 17 01:28:05 EDT 2003

Hi Folks:

On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 07:11:46PM -0400, Keith Richardson wrote:
> $fileparts = explode(".",$filename); 
> $extention = $fileparts[sizeof($fileparts)-1]; 

This process is completely insecure.  I can put up anything as long as I 
give it an acceptable extension.

As mentioned by others earlier, use getimagesize().  Here's some code from 
a project of mine:

    if ( !$Info = getimagesize($_FILES['Photo']['tmp_name']) ) {
        $Prob[] = 'File isn\'t an image';

    if ($Info[2] != 2) {
        $Prob[] = 'Image is not in JPEG format';

DON'T use this, becasuse submissions from AOL users choke due to their
browser not sending a proper mime type, if one at all:

    if ($_FILES['Photo']['type'] != 'image/jpeg') {
        $Prob[] = 'File is not in JPEG format';


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