[nycphp-talk] Botched email header

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Thu Jul 24 16:14:51 EDT 2003

Hey Jeff:

On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 03:42:18PM -0400, Jeff wrote:
> After doing some additional research, it seems that the problem may not
> be the single quote that was botching up the header but the comma in the
> company name which Sendmail had interpreted as a delimiter and therefore
> it had assumed there were two different email addresses.


> I'm going to
> "test" that route by stripping out the "comma" to see if it fixes
> things.

Stripping commas will work.  Also, I think Chris' suggestion of
will work also, though you'd likely need to make sure double quotes in
$sCompanyName are stripped or escaped instead.



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