[nycphp-talk] @include() affects all error_reporting !?!?

George Webb gw.nyphp at
Fri Jul 25 20:11:17 EDT 2003

Good Evening!  Having trouble understanding the @ operator,
when used with include(), i.e. @include('file.php') .

	I *thought* that @include would simply suppress the
warning generated if the included file is missing.  However,
what seems to happen is more complicated:

	@include('file.php') causes error_reporting to get
turned completely OFF for the duration of the included file.
Then, even worse, when the included file ends, error_reporting
is restored to its previous state, from *before* the include
was called.  To illustrate:

/*** start of file.php ***/
    echo ini_get('error_reporting');  //prints 0
/*** end of file.php ***/

/*** start of script.php ***/
    echo ini_get('error_reporting');  //prints 2047

    @include('file.php'); // this should set error_reporting
                          // to zero, but it doesn't

    echo ini_get('error_reporting');  //prints 2047

/*** end of script.php ***/

	If you remove the leading '@' from '@include', the
desired behavior occurs, which is that changes to error_reporting
in the included file will take effect in the calling script.

	I have seen this behavior in PHP versions 4.0.8 through
4.3.2.  Does anyone agree that this is a bug?  In any case,
how can we elegantly work-around it?  I need to be able to control
error reporting from the included file, which may or may not exist.

Best, George.

George Webb
gw.nyphp at

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